воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

ascorbyl palmitate solubility

For all new passengers, Iapos;d like to let you know that Iapos;m the doctor of the ship, and if you need assistance my name is Doctor James Lapointe.� Donapos;t be afraid to ask for help.

And as a reminder; violence is not tolerated by any of the crew and Iapos;d prefer it if you just didnapos;t bother hurting each other at all.� There will be consequences.

[Locked to Razer]

Razer, you ears will be done in the morning.� I just have to let them sit for the night.


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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

every day food mag

Woohoo Day 3.

Simple lunch. Peanut butter and jelly :D Yet, today I got natural organic peanut butter. Itapos;s Vegan :o

It tastes more peanuty then letapos;s say, JIF peanut butter, which has 220 calories per serving and lots of sugar for kids who refuse to eat anything without sugar. YUM�PEANUTS

For dinner, we had spaghetti. My mom did put tofu in so it made me happy :D

The tofu was great. Totally absorbed the delicious tomato sauce.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

etrust firewall trial

TMA tonight This will be my first weekend-long LARP, so very exciting. And nervous-making. *g* So on one hand, while I donapos;t want to schlep myself to class, on the other hand we are going over meditation techniques today, which should help me get my zen on.

Note to self: Eat something before leaving. I tend to lose appetite when excited, which means I might not eat all weekend. Seriously, ask me how many meals I had at the last Arisia, Intercon Midatlantic and Intercon H.
etrust firewall trial.


I heard this today during my spin class at the gym from my cycling teacher. Wow--what a powerful statement It took my breath away by the profound meaning and effect it had on me. I found that I started to breathe more during class; it became faster and harder as I began to push myself harder and harder Suddenly, I was out of breath and I began sucking wind, becoming breathless. One breath away from who I want to be is more athletic and fit. I found myself thinking...you can apply this statement to all aspects of life. I started to think how simple yet powerful this statement was. I then started to think of MonaVie and Team Summit, and how we all one breath away from who we want to be.

A lot of us want extra money, we want options, we want status, we want to help people, we want to be the difference, and we all want to win and be achievers on this team. We all have our reasons, dreams and visions whom we want to be. We all have obstacles (aka, "Obstacles"), we need to breath through, one breath at a time. It dawned on me--sometimes I stop breathing because I have doubt, self-fear, lack of confidence that I can't become who I want to be. If I can unblock my breath from those factors, clear the passages in which air travels through my body by simply breathing one breath at a time, I too can become the person I want to be. I know this might sound silly, but it really resonated with me. I know there are others out there who struggle with similar or related inner battles that prevent them from becoming who they want to be. Some of our airways might be so clogged and some of us might experience such intense inner battles that cause air blockages similar to the symptoms one may have if they have asthma. Are you getting the air you need to be who you want to be? Are you cutting yourself short? Are you just getting enough air to survive?

There are so many train wrecks happening in the world, and people are really starting to get affected by them. Maybe we all just stop breathing on one level or another. Are your air passages so clogged up that you can't breathe? I ask you to look inside yourself as I did when I heard this statement. It's really simple if you break it down. Frankly, breathing comes naturally to the body. It is a natural function that requires no thought, feeling, emotion, or big boost of confidence. It happens on its own and is automatic. What if you could try to breathe one breath at a time...and focus on that during times of struggle, and self-doubt while you are building your MonaVie team? What could happen, what would change, where would you be? Who would you become? You have the chance to be who you want to be one breath at a time. Think about it, and apply it. It may lead you to who you want to be

Karla Wade
Santa Cruz, CA

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среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

advantage advertising online

Jesus, this week Iapos;m doomed to get no sleep apparently. And when I do, its broken up into three or four hour naps that hopefully add up to enough hours. X_x

So last Sunday I came out to my mom. It was very uneventful. I told her, and she said she already knew. I kinda think she just suspected and was waiting for confirmation, though, because thatapos;s usually how she works. Then we had a three minute talk about it and moved on. She tried to say that if I met a really special guy that I would go for him, but I set her straight. I didnapos;t date guys because they were special. I dated them because I was confused and lonely and horny and didnapos;t realize the difference between a good friendship and attraction. So I told her no, no I wouldnapos;t, and we dropped the subject. She hasnapos;t brought it up since and neither have I, cause thereapos;s really nothing else to say about it.

Its kind of weird being a lesbian that doesnapos;t feed on drama :P I feel like a freak sometimes.

I donapos;t know why people on my dl commapos;s have stopped posting links to Fringe, but it pisses me off a little. I guess its okay, though, cause now Andrew comes over and we watch Dexter instead, which is way better. Still, we wanted to see what happened with the huge metal suppository bomb :P
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понедельник, 13 октября 2008 г.

alteration costs

I had a good weekend. Lots of exercise and some retail therepy.

Friday night R and I did not go out because I had to get up early on Saturday.

Saturday I woke up too damn early to take a bus out to Seward Park for the American Diabetes Assoc 5K walk. Except for it being really early in the morning and wicked cold, it was still a nice walk. Sweard Park is a little penninsula and 3/4 of it is surrounded by water. The walking path is right along the waterapos;s edge and it made for pretty views of the early morning.

After the walk I went home for about an hour and R picked me up to go for more walking. Went out to Woodinville and walked on the Burke-Gilman trail out to to the wine country. Had dinner and Red Hook brewery and walked back. Saw salmon jumping in the creek, a big hawk being chased by some crows, cows, horses, and a huge crane flying which almost crapped on us. Seeing nature in a mostly urban area is cool.

That was about 2 miles each way and adding the 5K from earlier in the morning I think did enough exercise. So we went home for some TV and called it an early night around 9:30pm. I went to bed immediately and it was good.

Sunday I slept in too late to go to church. Oops Decided to go out to Northgate. I bought some new jeans and had sushi for lunch. I also got my hair cut. The hairdresser went a little shaggy and hipster with my layering, but it looks ok. I think Iapos;ll like it more with about 1-2 months of growth. It should be near perfect when I go on my trip in December.

After getting back home I watched a couple bad comedies and went to bed early again.

That was my weekend. Yay

constar, alteration costs.

воскресенье, 12 октября 2008 г.

fireplace grill

Gisteravond zaterdag 11 oktober Borstao @ Gelredome. Een gekrioel van mensen en een evenement waar de woorden consumeren en logistiek in al hun hoedanigheid op van toepassing zijn. Eens wat anders voor de doorgewinterde kleinkunstganger van 's lands theater(zalen). Anders dan ook de kuip, ahoy of sportpaleis. Lekker mensen kijken en opgaan in de menigte. Meer show, meer groots, onder de indruk van de videowall en het licht

criminal justice court cases, fireplace grill, fireplace grating, fireplace grates with blowers.

ella guevarra

Okay, today was not so bad.

i got my homecoming dress today and iapos;m madly in love with it.
it was from dillards, meaning someone else probably has it too, but god damnit it looks good on me and iapos;m gonna wear it better.
iapos;ll show you what you left, wink wink nudge nudge.
oh and i bought three other dresses to wear casually. Yay

bought me some makeup too, including concealer to hide my nice "new" scar on my face.
it all started in february too, if you remember those days.
i hate the stress pimple :(.

buzapos;s crab-fest was today. I love blue crabs when theyapos;re fried, you can eat ALL OF IT.
but i think i ruined everyone elseapos;s dinner by washing my hands in the crab sink.

the lightning lost. If my other two teams lose iapos;m taking it as an omen. Of what? i donapos;t know.

my grandmother that i never knewapos;s piano thatapos;s at my aunt michaeleapos;s house will be moved here.
my aunt doesnapos;t want it anymore and she figured sheapos;d give it to us.
itapos;s an oldie but i love love love that thing. Iapos;ve always wanted it.

on to more heavy things:
i really am going to try and be happier.
iapos;m still not ready to move on,
i donapos;t know if iapos;ll ever FULLY move on for reasons i might disclose when iapos;m sure that the whole world wonapos;t judge me,
but i wonapos;t be beating myself up inside everyday about it, and school, and anniversaries, and lifeapos;s general fucked-uppedness.

itapos;s a long way to the top, regardless or not if i want to rock and roll, but i will not be alone for the climb.

- helen.

ella guevarra, ella guito, ella hace todo por seducirme.

ezquest boa slim

My thought on life?
wat is my thought on life well to say in the least i do not know.
and yet life is just so misunderstood by all mankind. But the most interesting thing in life is wat u think of ur self.if u r not happy with how u turned out the come on people wake up and smell the fresh air. Life is not easy i should know my parents are divorced. And I am going to 15 in march and dad has not bought me a birthday present in four years. So trust me life is not always wat we think it is meant to be. And maybe sometimes it is wat itapos;s meant to be. Who knows if ur just starting ur life or if itapos;s at an end u donapos;t know where it will take u all u know is ur going somewhere and that it is for a good reason.

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