воскресенье, 12 октября 2008 г.

ezquest boa slim

My thought on life?
wat is my thought on life well to say in the least i do not know.
and yet life is just so misunderstood by all mankind. But the most interesting thing in life is wat u think of ur self.if u r not happy with how u turned out the come on people wake up and smell the fresh air. Life is not easy i should know my parents are divorced. And I am going to 15 in march and dad has not bought me a birthday present in four years. So trust me life is not always wat we think it is meant to be. And maybe sometimes it is wat itapos;s meant to be. Who knows if ur just starting ur life or if itapos;s at an end u donapos;t know where it will take u all u know is ur going somewhere and that it is for a good reason.

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